Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Please remember if your child's ride will change you need send Ms. Parkinson a hand written note in your child's folder.  We are not always able to check email during the day while busy with the kids.  Please be specific in what day care your child rides or if they go to the YMCA program here at school.  This will ensure that your child gets to the right place.  We want to make sure our kids are safe.  Thanks so much! 

Also, please remember next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are early release days.  We will dismiss at 12:30.  If you have not returned the form sent home on Monday please do so ASAP.

Back to School

Welcome to K1!  I hope your year is off to a great start.  We are having a great time learning all about school and how things work in a structured environment.  Please remember to talk with your child each and every day about their day.  It is so important to stay on top of what is going on.  I don't know about you but my little guy has come home each day so tired but also excited to be here.  Remember Curriculum Night is coming up on September 8.  This will be a night only for parents to learn the ends and outs of what a typical day is like in Kindergarten!!  Hope to see you there!